Exhibition brief


Spiritual belief, exactly as the purified water source, has virtually nourished the cultural characteristics of this small town by the name of Beigang. The Chaotian Temple renowned for its endless streams of pilgrims and the craftsmanship celebrated far and wide further impress the general public both distinctively and classically. Tradition, meanwhile, is the very source of innovation. Beigang amidst its nostalgic and romantic style radiates a brand new look of memory ripples through the elaborate efforts of reinterpretation by different creators and carriers.


Water nurtures life, irrigates crops, and nourishes culture. Water is the real fountainhead of everything exactly like the widespread down-to-earth belief in Goddess Matsu which is virtually the source of the memories and industries of all Beigangese residents. With the passing of extremely eventful history for more than three hundred years, Beigang is today calm and peaceful. The fountain of faith with faded flourishment still silently purifies the heart of each and every visitor.

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